Conjunctions ئامرازێت پێكڤه‌گرێدانێ

    تێبینى: (after) هه‌رده‌م ل ده‌سپێكا (Past Perfect) تێت و (when, until, by, before) هه‌رده‌م ل ده‌سپێكا (Past Simple) تێن

  • (After) comes before Past Perfect sentences, (when, until, by, before) comes before Past Simple.
  • Conjunctions
    1- After/Because + Past Perfect, Past Simple 1. After you had eaten, you came to school.
    2. Because she had studied, she passed the exam.
    2- Before/Until/ By + Past Simple, Past Perfect 1. Until computers invented, we had written by hands.
    2. Before we played football, we had to warm up.
    3. Before/By + year+ Past perfect. 1.By 2010, the company had sold 10M cars.
    2. Before 1980s, our country had so many difficulties.
    3- When + past simple, Past perfect. 1. When he played, he had missed the class.
    2. When he watched the movie, he had written the homework.

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