ئەکادیمیا قوتابی

سەرەکی Grammar

Past Perfect Quiz

1- All the farmers used new techniques in the farmland after they ...... a lot last year.

A. lose

B. had lost

C. have lost

D.will lose

2- After he ...... the report, he ...... the office.

A. had typed / left

B. typed / had left

C. will type / leaves

D. has typed / left

3- Our teacher ...... us extra homework after we ...... the lesson.

A.gave / had finished

B. give / has given

C. will give / finished

D. giving / are finishing

4- He ...... to play with us after he ...... his work.

A. was allowed / had done

B. is allowed / have doing

C. was allowing / will do

D. allow / will do

5- I ...... so much weight after I ...... exercising.

A. Lose / had begun

B.lost / has begun

C. had lost / has begun

D. lost / had begun

6- They ...... to eat the fruit after they ...... their hands.

A.started / had washed

B.had started / had wash

C. starting / will wash

D. started / will wash

7- Choose the right one.

A- When you are away from home, we will missed you.

B- They took many photos while they are in New York

C- When they rang the bell, I was in bed.

D- After the players playing in the field, the weather will be terrible.

8- I......the marking would take so long because I......the first couples of essays.

A. know/has read

B. knows/ had read

C. knew/had read

D. had known/am reading

9......Europeans started arriving, American population...... small.

A. After / has remained

B. Until/ had remained

C. Before/remains

D. Because/ had remaining

10-The atmospheric emissions ...... terrible because factories ......allowed polluting freely.

A. were / had been

B. had / was

C. had been/ were

D. (A and C)

11- The waiter ...... my plate before I ...... eating.

A. was taking / had finished

B. took / had finished

C. had taken /finished

D. taken / had finished

12- Before I ...... a decision, I ...... carefully about it.

A. had made / thought

B. made / had thought

C. was making / think

D. made / thinks

13- After the great civilization of Rome......, they ......by the barbarians.

A. fall/attacks

B. fell/attacks

C. had fallen/attacked

D. had fallen /were attacked

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