ئەکادیمیا قوتابی

سەرەکی Grammar

Past Simple Quiz

1.Last year my friend, Evan, and I _______(take) a trip to France.

A. Take.

B. Took.

C. Taken.

D. Taked.

2. I never ______ (travel) to another country before that trip.

A. travel.

B. traveled.

C. traveling.

D. travelen.

3. We ________ (study) French for two months.

A. studyed.

B. traveled.

C. studied.

D. studial.

4. before we ________________________ (leave).

A. left.

B. leaving.

C. leaved.

D. lefted.

5. When the day of our flight finally _______(arrive), *

A. arrived.

B. arriving.

C. arrival.

D. arriaved.

6. We ________ (be) so nervous and excited! *

A. was.

B. are.

C. is.

D. were.

7. The flight ____________ (be) fun

A. be.

B. were.

C. was.

D. is.

8. because the flight attendants _________(speak) French,

A. speak.

B. speaked.

C. spoke.

D. spoken.

9. and we ____________ (practice) speaking with them.

A. practiced.

B. practicing.

C. practicen.

D. practicet.

10. Finally we __________________ (arrive) in Paris.

A. arrived

B. arriving.

C. arrival.

D. arriaved

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