Tag Questions
کورتە پسیار
  1. ئه‌گه‌ر كارێ هاریكار (Auxiliary)د رستێ دا هه‌بیت.
  2. If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence.

    1. ئه‌گه‌ر رسته‌ یا ئه‌رێ بیت دێ كورته‌ پسیار بڤى شێوه‌ى بیت

    If the sentence is positive, form the taq question as following:

Positive Statement, + Negative Auxiliary + pronoun?

Some examples

Positive Statements Tag Questions
She has seen Central Park from the window, hasn't she?
You have spent much time to explore , haven’t you?

تێبینی:کارێن هاریکار ئەڤێن خارێنە

To Be To Do To Have Model
Is, Am, Are, Was, Were Do, Does, Did Have, Has, Had can, must, may, might, will, would, should
  1. ئه‌گه‌ر رسته‌ یا نه‌رێ بیت دێ كورته‌ پسیار بڤى شێوه‌ى بیت

If the sentence is negative, form the taq question as following:

Negative Statement, + Auxiliary + pronoun?

Some examples

Negative Statements Tag Questions
Sara didn't get up early, did she?
He can’t get a new car, can he?
New York isn't a small city, is it?

تێبینی:دەمێ کورتە پسیارێ دروستدکەی، دێ بکەری گوهری بوجهێ ناڤی(pronoun)

Subject Pronouns
I, you, he, she, it, we, they
  1. ئه‌گه‌ر كارێ هاریكار درستێ دا نه‌بیت
  2. If there is no auxiliary in the sentence

  1. ئه‌گه‌ر كارێ رستێ یێ ساده‌ (base) بیت یان (have) بیت دێ کورتە پسیار ب ڤی شێوازی بیت

Positive Statement, + don't + pronoun (I/ we/you/they)?

Positive Statements Tag Questions
We go to school every day, don't we?
They eat dinner at the restaurant, don't they?
We have a country, don't we?
  1. ئه‌گه‌ر كارێ رستێ (s) كه‌سێ سیێ پێڤه‌ بیت یان (has) بیت دێ کورتە پسیار ب ڤی شێوازی بیت

Positive Statement, + doesn't + pronoun (he/she/it)?

Positive Statements Tag Questions
He goes to school every day, doesn't he?
This door has three colors, doesn't it?
Sarah works at a restaurant, doesn't she?
  1. ئه‌گه‌ر كارێ رستێ یێ رابردوو (Past) بیت یان (had) بیت دێ کورتە پسیار ب ڤی شێوازی بیت

Positive Statement, + didn't + pronoun (I/ we/you/they/he/she/it)?

Positive Statements Tag Questions
John played football last week, didn't he?
This school had two principles, didn't it?
Lolav went to market, didn't she?
    ئه‌ڤ هه‌ر چار خاله‌ د جیاوازن
  1. Let’s have a cup of tea, shall we?
  2. This/that is my mobile, isn’t it?
  3. These/those are your friends, aren’t they?
  4. I am playing tennis well, aren’t I?

تیبینی: جێناڤێن (somebody, someone, everyone, everybody, nobody, no one)
دڤی بابەتی دا دبنە (they)

  • Nobody is in the class, are they?

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