Making Advice
دانا ئاموژگاریا
You (don't)have to
(don't) need to
ought (not) to
should (not)
must (not)
had better('d better')
base C

  1. You have to study hard for the exam.
    • A- Suggestion B- Purpose C- Passive D- Advice
  2. I feel too cold today. Then you ........your coat.
    • A- having to wear B- have to wear C- have to wearing D- have wearing
  3. This new CD is damaged. Look at it.
    • A-You should get up early in the morning.
    • B- You ought to go to the shop and change it.
    • C-You must wear your coat outside
    • D-You have to go and see the doctor.
  4. Oh! I haven't got any more money. Then ....
    • A-You really must go and see the doctor.
    • B- You need to go to the supermarket.
    • C-You had better go to the shop and change it.
    • D- You should go to the bank.

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