Active and Passive
بكه‌رێ دیار و بكه‌رێ نه‌دیار

A passive sentence and active sentence have similar meanings, but the focus of the sentences is different. In the passive sentence, the focus is on the action or on the person or thing receiving the action.

رستێن بكه‌رێ دیار و بكه‌رێ نه‌دیار وەکهەڤن د رامانێ دا لێ د جیاوازن د تەرکیزێ دا. د رستا بکەرێ نادیار تەرکیز یا ل سەر کاری یانژی کەس یان تشتێ کار بسەری دهێت.

  1. The teacher asked the students to speak English. (Active)
  2. The students were asked to speak English by the teacher. (Passive)
Present Simple Passive
بكه‌رێ نه‌دیار رانەبردویێ سادە
  • We add Present Form of (Be) + PP of the main verb.
  • We use By if the subject is important or if the meaning would be unclear without it.
  • ئەم شێوازێ رانەبردویێ سادە یێ کارێ (Be) + ئەم کارێ سەرەکی دکەینە (PP)
  • ئەم By بکاردینین دەمێ بکەرێرستێ یێ گرنگ بیت یانژی ئەگەر رامانا رستێ نە یا سافی بیت یانژی رامان خو ل دەست بدەت.

Some Examples

  • He speaks English very well. (Active)
  • English is spoken by him very well. (Passive)
  • Azad studies Math everyday. (Active)
  • Math is studied by Azad everyday. (Passive)
  • They write the letter. (Active)
  • The letter is written. (Passive)
Past Simple Passive
بكه‌رێ نه‌دیار رابردوویێ سادە
  • We add past form of (Be) + PP of the main verb.
  • ئەم شێوازێ رابردوویێ سادە یێ کارێ (Be) + ئەم کارێ سەرەکی دکەینە (PP)

Some Examples

  • He wrote the letter. (Active)
  • The letter was written by him. (Passive)
  • The principle asked the students to stand up. (Active)
  • The Students were asked to stand up. (Passive)
  • He saw the tiger. (Active)
  • The tiger was seen. (Passive)
Present Perfect Passive
بكه‌رێ نه‌دیار رانەبردویێ تەمام
  • We add present participle form of (Be) + PP of the main verb.
  • ئەم شێوازێ رانەبردویێ تەمامێ (Be) + ئەم کارێ سەرەکی دکەینە (PP)

Some Examples

  • An organization has offered us a good job.(Active)
  • We have been offered a good job by an organization. (Passive)
  • Azad has written the letter. (Active)
  • The letter has been written (Passive)
  • The letter has been written by Azad(Passive)
  • John has seen the movie (Active)
  • The movie has been seen. (Passive)
  • The movie has been seen by John. (Passive)
Future Passive with (going to/will)
  • We add base form of (Be) + PP of the main verb.
  • ئەم شێوازێ چاووک یێ(Be) + ئەم کارێ سەرەکی دکەینە (PP)

Some Examples

  • Azad is going to write the letter. (Active)
  • The letter is going to be written (by Azad). (Passive)
  • The letter will be written. (by Azad). (Passive)
  • The organization is going to award her next week.(Active)
  • She is going to be awarded next week.(Passive)
  • She will be awarded next week.(Passive)

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