Past Simple دەمێ بوریێ سادە
  • ئەم بۆری یێ سادە بکاردینن بو وەسف کرنا کارەکێ،بارودوخەکێ یان ژی رویدانەکێ تەمامببیت ل رابردویدا. ئەم بو وان کارا بکارتیننی ئەوێن جارەکێ یان ب بەردەاومی ل رابردویدا ریدەن.

  • We use the past simple to describe actions, situations, or events that are complete and that happened once or repeatedly in the past.
  • ئەم ڤان نیشانێن دەمی بکار دینین دگەل بۆریێ سادە

    (Yesterday, last week, two months ago, in 2010, etc.)

    Past Simple (be)
    Positive: S+ was/ were + C. 1. He was very clever
    2. They were students.
    Negative: S+ wasn’t/ weren’t + C. 1. He wasn't very clever.
    2. They weren't students.
    Yes/No Question: Was/ Were +S+ C? 1. Was he very clever?
    2. Were they students?
    Wh.Question:Wh.+ was/were+S+C? 1. Why was he very clever?
    2. Where were the student last night?
    Past Simple (do)
    Positive: S+ V.past+ C. 1. He went to school.
    2. I played chess last night.
    Negative: S+ didn't+ V.base+ C. 1. I didn't go to school yesterday.
    2. They didn't go to the work last week.
    Yes/No Question: Did + S + V.base+ C? 1. Did you play chess last night?
    2. Did they call him yesterday?
    Wh.Question:Wh.+ did + S+ V.base + C? 1. When did you drink milk?
    2. When did he drink milk?t?

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